Sarah and Alex
Last Sunday I had the great pleasure of photographing Sarah and Alex’s wedding at the Churnet Valley Railway. It all cam about after Sarah texted me her wedding date after seeing my web page, making sure that I realised that it was only 8 weeks away and not next year! Luckily I was free having set the bank holiday weekend aside in case we wanted to go camping and jumped at the chance to see a bride arrive by steam train!
The day went very well, the train was on time and the weather behaved its self (mostly). After a short civil ceremony in the station and a few photos with the bride, groom and steam engine (never thought I would write that sentence)it was on to the train for Champagne and Strawberries.
With Monday being a holiday I did not get the chance to start on the photos until Tuesday, but by the end of the day had weeded out the poor ones and was ready to hand finish the rest about 200 images. The first thing that jumps out of the pictures is Sarah’s smile, it just never stopped, the next thing was just how much in love they both are, I was getting tears in my eyes just looking at them which is not good when you are trying to edit them.
The final 204 images were finished by Thursday, very quick, you would normally expect a full week at least, but there was a reason for the rush as they are off to visit relatives on Sunday and wanted to show them the pictures.
The last thing was the wait for the bride to pass judgement on the pictures, know matter how good you think they are she is the boss where this is concerned. As always the result was a happy one, for which I’m very glad, having shared their big day the last thing I would want is to disappoint them in any way.